Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Whether we are Hiking, Walking or just being around people, We leave Footprints,  Some in the Dirt, Mud or sand and some footprints we leave on the Hearts of other people. Our feet can carry us miles and miles we can encounter all sorts of beauty, Waterfalls, cliffs and magnificent views. It imprints on us Gods beautiful world he created for us.  I want to hike as much and see as much as I possibly can in my years here but I also long to leave an impression on the people I come in contact with on my journey ,  Positive uplifting and helpful.  I want to point them to Gods beauty and Love so they have a greater knowledge of him.  Have I done this ?  No and Yes.  I want to do so much more.  Like the Word says I want the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to Him.  Ok so lets HIKE ON!  leaving footprints on land and hearts  

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